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Thursday, 4 September 2014

Taylor Swift's Latest

Taylor Swift's Latest

On 18th August, the whole world shook with shock and suprise, nah, I'm just kidding, it's just that Taylor Swift released a comeback single, "Shake it off".

The Peppy "I knew you were trouble when you walked in", and "22" singer, claims that a lot of her songs are based upon her many boyfriends (Harry Styles, Barack Obama, Vernon Kay, Homer Simpson, PSY ext...), however this song, she claims, is towards the haters, saying that everyone has a right to think what they want of her, by chanting the phrase "haters gonna hate hate hate hate" through the chorus. I guess she's right, I mean someone has to do it.

In the vid, Taylor is seen in multiple scenarios, such as cheerleading, breakdancing and ballet, attempting each sport, and failing, whilst telling people to "shake it off". I personally think Taylor needs a bit of a shake herself, if she thinks she was any good at any of it.

Basically, what we learn here is that when we mix together "Shake It Out", and "Hello Kitty" By Avril, you get nearly a copy of Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl".

Taylor Swift- Shake It Out

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