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Friday, 7 November 2014

RIP "Banter"

RIP "Banter"

I'm just saying, before I get into it, that this is a big rant, so if you wanted something more constructive and better written, this probably isn't the post for you. JUST SAYING

Before this word was shoved into the spotlight recently in England, it was actually an applicable word, which, according to Google, is "The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks" or basically, have a jokey talk with your mates. It is not a word to be yelled randomly in a crowded area, in the effort to draw attention to yourself, or make yourself look in some way humorous, it's a word that actually has a meaning. 

Today, if I were to walk into any establishment where people around the age of 13-20 are yobbing about, I could guarantee you that I would hear "banter" or as illiterate people would write "banta" yelled 10+ times. 

But people seriously, what is it with this word? Why is there a necessity to overuse it so much that its real meaning is lost? It does not in anyway appeal to anyone when it is constantly shouted, when real "banter" is now just a myth.

Of course this isn't the first word in the English language to be lost of its meaning. Here are some other notable words

"Hero" No, you're not a hero if you've bought the first round of drinks. You're a hero if you save someone's life.

"Addicted" This word means that without the "thing" you are addicted to, you could not live without it. Nowadays, people protest they are "addicted to chocolate", when in actual fact they're just greedy pigs. Will your physical and/or emotional status begin to deteriorate uncontrollably if you do not have said thing? Nope? Then you ain't addicted.

 "God" or "Jesus" There is no need to curse, or swear using a religious figure in your sentence. Although they may not have meaning to you, to others they could be important. I admit, I am guilty of using the phrase "Oh my God" to express suprise, or annoyance.

A note can also be made to all of the synonyms in use for the word "cool" (mint, dope, sick, rad, ext....). Seriously, not cool.

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