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Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Celebrity Big Brother - Jephanie in trouble! #CBBBLOGS

Another explosive few days has rocked the house, definitely changing the dynamics, and also my opinions of housemates.

Since day 1, we've all noticed there's been a thing going on with Jeremy and Stephanie. Now normally I don't mind a bit told flirting in the house, even if I know it's only showmance, but there's a difference this time.

Stephanie had a boyfriend (yes, had). Like us all he realised he was being mugged off, and got out ASAP. There have been numerous speculations this week of him entering the house, and all I can say is that that would be TV GOLD.

Us on the outside haven't been the only ones noticing Jephanie, as Gemma Collins took it upon herself to tell Steph how wrong what she's doing is, and rightly so.

Stephanie just won't hold back..

This got Steph rallied up, as she launched into a scathing rant about how worthless Gemma is, and how crap TOWIE is (fair enough point, but being kicked off a low rating soap doesn't really make you all that..)

Steph was called to the diary room, and eventually sent to a spare room for the night, after she threatened to punch Gemma in the face.

The end goal of this was to calm Stephanie down, but in actual fact she did the opposite. I thought something had possessed her in that spare Rom, as she continued to rant about Gemma.

The problem with Stephanie, is that she can't seem to see her own faults, and its a really bad character trait. If I were Stephanie's fella, I'd get out whilst I still could.

Yesterday saw the house say goodbye to another housemate (and a half) Kristina. Let's be honest, she bought nothing to the house, and I am struggling to write anything about her now, so, um....enjoy this picture?

Kristina becomes the third housemate to be evicted.
Last, but not least, Angie Bowie has left the house. After countless nights of complaining about the amount of noise in the bedroom when she is trying to sleep, and asking Big Brother to get her an Uber, she has packed her bags and walked.

After seeing David walk for "medical reasons" she decided to jump on the bandwagon and do the same. Fair play..

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