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Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Education Today

Education Today

Ok, yes, this is going to be huge rant, I know, I'm already aware of that, I am the author! I've had all of this just stored up for a while now, and considering the events of today, I thought it was a good time to let it go, as I can't hold it back anymore..

I feel that our education system is messed up. Really messed up. I know absolutely everyone says this, but really, it's true. "We are not taught how to think, but what to think" is a rule most teachers strive apon. We are pretty much taught to suffer through the entire education system, and pass our exams with flying colours to get a good job, to meet a great man/woman, get married, and live happily ever after, as pitiful servants to the government. We aren't taught to live our dreams, as cheesy as it sounds, we aren't taught that perhaps some people want to live their lives differently, in a different community with different goals, but nope, to teachers, we're just clones in a factory waiting to be transformed in to more do-good family happy rubbish talkers.

But that doesn't work all the time does it?

Sometimes, I don't believe teachers are actually keeping an eye on the class, they just watch the students "expected" to misbehave (stereotype "bad boys", yuck..). What's the point? For example, German teacher that I don't think I can name, do you not realise the second you leave the room, pencils, pens and rubbers going flying around the room like a potato? And You wonder why no one can concentrate in your class...You've also got the absolute worse people in the class, the "cool kidz". I say this as a nickname to the Starbucks loving, Ugg boot wearing, Zoella fangirls, and the football crazy, foul mouthed "jocks" who think they're something special just because they've already had sex with three girls in the year.

I'm going to tell you now. You're not.

I'm also going to give all you wannabes some advice, if you going to act like this you'd better enjoy the rubbish all your "homies" are going to feed to you, because when you leave school, and get through college, then you're on your own, in the real world. You will be absolutely nothing to nobody. Your friends won't be at your beckon and call, and you'll have to get through life alone, and it will be alone if you keep on acting the way you do now.

In short terms, this means GROW UP.

Of course, I also need to ask the school to fire the clown who's writing the syllabus for our PD (personal development) lessons. Ok, yeah, let's teach recycling and bullying for half a year for the 50th time, which has little impact by now, considering we know absolutely everything there is to know about the topics. Let's not teach anything useful, like how to buy a car, how to set up and manage a bank account, how to buy a property, or anything that will be inevitably needed in the future. Let's not touch on anything to do with LGBT, around the time kids might be finding themselves, and might need help and support surrounding their sexuality, let's fill their minds with useless information, that we neither want to know or need to know. Thanks school!

Teachers these days say that kids are the ones with bad attitudes, however I strongly disagree. A particularly sassy teacher today thought she'd try and call me and others out, claiming "we had other work to do before asking her to mark our books". She isn't the only one who can't deal with the responsibilities of marking students books. My thoughts, are that you shouldn't even have applied for the job if you couldn't keep up with the responsibilities, and you most certainly shouldn't blame your class for your lack of organisation.

The last thing I want to mention, at this point, as I probably will have more to add, is the awful ways this school is spending it's money. They feel the need to replace nearly every interactive whiteboard in the school, when the old ones were perfectly fine, yet don't have the money to employ more staff to control the queue at lunch, or teach classes, so that some classes don't have supply teachers every two lessons. You wouldn't believe the mania of the lunch queue. The main issue is the pushing in, so that the queue looks like an over weight caterpillar, mainly done by the "cool kidz". The queue has gotten to the point where I, for the 20-25 minutes I have to wait in it, just give up on life, and I squash up the queue as much as I can, to make everyone suffer just that little bit more than me. Yeah, that's how sad I get.

So, that's pretty much the reason why I've given up on school. Rant over (for now). I'm going to go and cool off now, goodbye.

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