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Monday, 8 December 2014

World's Biggest Mysteries Compilation

World's biggest mysteries compilation

The world is a spiralling wonder for those who appreciate and admire it, hurtling around the sun at around 67,108 MPH. Of course, with over 7 billion occupants, there's bound to be some conspiracies shrouded in mystery. Here's some of my favourite:

The Wow! Signal

This is a 72 second signal recorded by Jerry Ehman in 1977, who was scanning deep space radio signals, when he came across this signal sent from a place no human had ever been, leading to many believing it was sent by Aliens. He proceeded to write "Wow!" On the circled printout of the signal thus, it's name. No other recording like this has ever been found.
Image from:!_signal

John Titor

Someone, or something began to use social media websites around the 00's under the name "John Titor". He claimed to be a time traveller from the year 2036, looking for an "IBM 5100". He claimed he was an American Soldier, who lives in Florida, who has been sent, by time travel, to retrieve the IBM 5100, as it was thought to have "hidden features" needed in our future, his present. Whilst here, John made many predictions on what, at the time, was to happen in the future. Despite some, including America to Wage war on Iraq, and the Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster, of his predictions turning out to be true, some, including the 2008 Olympics being cancelled, were just....not. NB: the Olympics that year did actually come quite close to being cancelled. 
Image posted by John, showing a laser beam being bent. Some have proved this image fake. Image from:

Jack The Ripper

The nickname given to a serial killer around 1888, who targeted young women, and brutally murdered them. He was never identified. A letter emerged, claiming to have been written by Jack himself, although was set aside as a hoax.

The Babshka Lady

Again, never identified, the Babushka Lady is said to be the only woman who really knows about what happened on the day of JFK's assassination. She is clearly seen, in pictures, and footage taken at the moment of the assassination stood only a few metres away from the car. She was also filming the event, and was pointing her camera at a grassy bank, which some believe shots also came from. It's said that information from her would have been "Key to help discover further knowledge and understanding of what happened". She wore a red scarf over her head, like Russian ladies, hence her nickname. In the moments directly after the shooting, she is seen to be the only person who did not react to the shooting, which lead some to believe that she could have been involved. A Woman, called Beverly Oliver had claimed to be the Babushka Lady, though this was debunked, as she failed to provide any evidence, or correct information. Most notably, she claimed that she shot the footage on a camera, that was not made, until two years after the assassination.
The Babushka Lady, pointed out with a red arrow.
Image from
Cicada 3301

This is almost an online treasure hunt, set up by an unknown organization, for, what is believed to be a recruitment programme, although nobody's certain.some also claim it to be a hacker group, and other a Cryptocurrency group. It is yearly, and launches on the 5th January. It consists of a series of clues, leading to further clues and riddles, until, eventually, you are lead to "the virtual finish line", supposedly in the dark net. It consists mainly of Cryptography and Steganography puzzles, although you will also need a good knowledge of other factors, such as Welsh poetry, ancient Mayan history, and classical music. 
The Cicada 3301 logo.
Image from:
The lost city of Atlantis

A mystery that has speculated the world for centuries. It's believed that there was once a city named Atlantis, that was swallowed by the ocean. There has been artefacts brought up, which give evidence that this city once did exist, as well as a mysterious railway that leads into the sea, which some people believe leads to Atlantis.

The Voynich Manuscript

A mysterious book bought by Wilfrid (Voynich), who soon discovered that it contained writing, in an indecipherable language, with vivid pictures, mainly of plants. Professional and amateur codebreakers have attempted to decipher the code, although none have been successful so far.
The Voynich Manuscript
Image from:

An internet Cryptocurrency, in which one coin amounts to approximately $1,000. Attempts have been made to pin the creation to a user named "Shatoshi Makamoto" although responsibility has never been claimed. 

Notable mentions

Webdriver Torso

A YouTube user under this name began to post 11 second YouTube videos, featuring various red and blue rectangles, moving along to a computer generated tone. Other than this, Webdriver Torso has also posted two different videos, one of the Eiffel Tower glistening at night, and then, the camera moving down, presumably to be switched off, whilst showing a blurry Facebook page. Another is of a French cartoon, "Aqua teen hunger force" which is locked behind a €1.99 (£1.63) paywall, and can only be accessed in France, which lead people to believe Webdriver had French connections, considering red, blue and white, the colours featured in his videos, were the colours of the French flag. The only known communication from Webdriver torso is a comment that was posted by the channel on its Eiffel Tower video, "Matei is highly intelligent".The solution? It was simply a way for Google to test video and sound quality by creating short videos on the server. Nope, not aliens, or spies. Sorry.
Webserver Torso's YouTube account
Image from:
Shroud of Turin

An ancient piece of cloth thought to have Jesus Christ's face imprinted on it. I'm afraid not. Radiocarbon results show the cloth was made no earlier than 1260.

The Bloop

A mysteriously low frequency recorded in the Pacific Ocean. It was said that mermaids and/or mermen could have produced frequency, but they weren't correct, however, it was simply caused by icequakes.

Hope you liked that, and yeah, I know it was long, but I missed out quite a few of the mysteries as well, so there could be room in the future for an update on this, or a part two, if I can get enough information. 

Friday, 7 November 2014

RIP "Banter"

RIP "Banter"

I'm just saying, before I get into it, that this is a big rant, so if you wanted something more constructive and better written, this probably isn't the post for you. JUST SAYING

Before this word was shoved into the spotlight recently in England, it was actually an applicable word, which, according to Google, is "The playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks" or basically, have a jokey talk with your mates. It is not a word to be yelled randomly in a crowded area, in the effort to draw attention to yourself, or make yourself look in some way humorous, it's a word that actually has a meaning. 

Today, if I were to walk into any establishment where people around the age of 13-20 are yobbing about, I could guarantee you that I would hear "banter" or as illiterate people would write "banta" yelled 10+ times. 

But people seriously, what is it with this word? Why is there a necessity to overuse it so much that its real meaning is lost? It does not in anyway appeal to anyone when it is constantly shouted, when real "banter" is now just a myth.

Of course this isn't the first word in the English language to be lost of its meaning. Here are some other notable words

"Hero" No, you're not a hero if you've bought the first round of drinks. You're a hero if you save someone's life.

"Addicted" This word means that without the "thing" you are addicted to, you could not live without it. Nowadays, people protest they are "addicted to chocolate", when in actual fact they're just greedy pigs. Will your physical and/or emotional status begin to deteriorate uncontrollably if you do not have said thing? Nope? Then you ain't addicted.

 "God" or "Jesus" There is no need to curse, or swear using a religious figure in your sentence. Although they may not have meaning to you, to others they could be important. I admit, I am guilty of using the phrase "Oh my God" to express suprise, or annoyance.

A note can also be made to all of the synonyms in use for the word "cool" (mint, dope, sick, rad, ext....). Seriously, not cool.

Monday, 22 September 2014



"My anaconda don't, my anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun"

"Oh my God, look at her butt"

If you don't know what this post is about yet, then you're either over 50, or just really not with it lately. Obviously, it is about Nicki Minaj's new por- I mean, song, Anaconda.

We all already know Nicki Minaj is famous for her explicit videos and lyrics, shown in songs like "Starships" "Super bass", and for that massive backside, however, she's now felt the need to produce a song, and music video emphasising both. 

Anaconda is set in the jungle, and I'm guessing Nicki is meant to symbolise the anaconda. For a large majority of the song, Nicki is seen either humping something or someone, or being humped by someone or something, which I reckon is a little too explicit even for her.

Can I  also make a point of the ridiculous noises she makes before saying naughty words about skinny female dogs in the club. When i first listened to the song, I thought my headphones were broken, but before toggling them around a bit I realised that those noises were actually made by a human. Not clever.

Nick actually preformed this song at the VMA's, doing exactly the same thing she was doing in the video on stage, which is an issue I believe needs to be addressed. Straight after performing Anaconda, she proceeded to preform "bang bang" with Jessie J and Ariana Grande, rapping her verse at the end, after changing. She had a major wardrobe "malfunction" then, as the front of dress wasn't even done up, in her rush to get back on stage.

Although the music video of Anaconda is disgusting, I won't lie in saying that the song itself is actually quite catchy...
Wardrobe malfunction....I didn't feel it appropriate to post a picture from Anaconda.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Taylor Swift's Latest

Taylor Swift's Latest

On 18th August, the whole world shook with shock and suprise, nah, I'm just kidding, it's just that Taylor Swift released a comeback single, "Shake it off".

The Peppy "I knew you were trouble when you walked in", and "22" singer, claims that a lot of her songs are based upon her many boyfriends (Harry Styles, Barack Obama, Vernon Kay, Homer Simpson, PSY ext...), however this song, she claims, is towards the haters, saying that everyone has a right to think what they want of her, by chanting the phrase "haters gonna hate hate hate hate" through the chorus. I guess she's right, I mean someone has to do it.

In the vid, Taylor is seen in multiple scenarios, such as cheerleading, breakdancing and ballet, attempting each sport, and failing, whilst telling people to "shake it off". I personally think Taylor needs a bit of a shake herself, if she thinks she was any good at any of it.

Basically, what we learn here is that when we mix together "Shake It Out", and "Hello Kitty" By Avril, you get nearly a copy of Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl".

Taylor Swift- Shake It Out

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Miley Cyrawwwws!

Miley Cyrawwwws!

A few days ago saw the VMAs take place in California. People watching will know that Miley Cryrus, former Disney star, now twerk extraordinaire, won a VMA, for Video of the year, over artists such as Beyoncé, Iggy Azalea, Sia, and Pharrell Williams.

Despite this VMA being Miley's first, she chose not to except the award herself, but to let homeless friend, Jesse, except it for her. During his speech, he told the crowd about a charity for the homeless, what they do, and people can donate to it.

Jesse Helt, despite this appeal, is actually wanted by the police in his home town of Oregon, for burglary, reported possession of drugs, and violation of prohibition.

Miley, however, in my opinion, did a good job to help the charity, and to change a universal opinion of her after the 2013 VMAs. She will hopefully now be known for this, instead of grinding on Robin Thicke.

Miley Cyrus with Jesse Helt, after winning VMA

Monday, 25 August 2014

My Top 5 Songs

My top 5 songs

I love music. I have learnt the lyrics to at least 200 songs by now, so thought I'd share my top five songs in a range of different topics. Also, note in the title how it says MY, so that means my opinion :)

Five Nostalgic songs ( remembering back to an important or happy moment in your life, I guess)

Kelly Clarkson- My Life Would Suck Without You
Calvin Harris ft Kelis- Bounce
The Buggles- Video Killed The Radio Star
Clean Bandit- Rather Be
David Guetta ft Kelly Rowland- When Love Takes Over

Five Sad songs

Gary Jules- Mad World (cover)
Avril Lavigne- When You're Gone
Adele- Someone like you
A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera & Pentatonix cover- Say Something
... ( I don't get very emotional)

Five Happy songs

Pharrell- Happy
Kool And The Gang- Celebrate Good Times
Beyoncè- Love On Top
Ritchie Valens- La Bamba
Black Eyed Peas- I Gotta Feelin'

Five songs with bad music videos

Lorde- Royals
Avril Lavigne- Hello Kitty
Miley Cryrus- Wrecking Ball
One Direction- Kiss You
Gotye- Somebody That I Used To Know

Five Old Songs

?- Greensleeves
The Andrews Sisters- Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
Sam And Dave/Blues Brothers- Soul Man
Jackson 5- I Want You Back
Backstreet Boys- I Want It That Way

My Top 5 songs

Avril Lavigne- When You're Gone
Pentatonix- Evolution Of Music
The Buggles- Video Killed The Radio Star
Miley Cyrus- Party In The USA
Aha- Take On Me 


Saturday, 23 August 2014

What I Wanted To Do In The Holidays VS What I Actually Did

What I wanted to do in the holidays VS What I actually did

Unfortunately, summer holidays (in England) are coming to an end soon, and, to be honest, I did not do what I expected to do...

What I wanted to do                                             

Have loads of fun on the beach with my friends
Do revision and practice ready for School
Get up at 10:am at the latest to make the most of every day
Spend loads of time outdoors, getting fresh air and exercise
Learn/do lots of useful, constructive things
Complete the "50 things to do before you're 11 3/4" sheet

What I actually did

Looked out of my window in despair, as it rained
Spend 60% of my time on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube ext..
Get up at 12:00 am
Live under the covers, searching for my summer body
Learn Iggy's rap part in "problem"
Make the "50 things to do before you're 11 3/4" into a paper aeroplane and throw it at my brother.


Thursday, 21 August 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

ALS Ice bucket challenge

The ALS ice bucket challenge is the newest sensation to hit the internet, however, unlike most random internet tags, this is actually a fundraiser, for the ALS charity.

The vauge idea of this, is for someone to be filmed, first accepting their nomination for the challenge, and then tipping a bucket of ice water over their heads. Then, the person nominates who they want to do the challenge next.

This has caught attention from the media, and a lot of celebrities, who took on the challenge themselves, after being nominated. Most notably Cheryl Cole (or as she is now known as, Cheryl Fernandez-Versini), Bill Gates, Demi Lovato, Lady Gaga, Gwen Stefani, Simon Cowell and Justin Timberlake have all taken on the challenge, along with many other famous faces.


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Upcoming Films

Upcoming films

I for one love a good movie, problem is, a lot of the time, there's no good films on. Luckily, 2014/2015 is packed full of cool films, here are some of my favourite upcoming films of 2014/2015

Hunger Games -Mockingjay (Part one)

The anticipated finale to the Hunger Games trilogy....hang on, wait a sec, it looks as if the Hunger Games has decided to go the same way Harry Potter and Twilight went, by splitting it's last book into two pieces, so that they can focus in on the most agonisingly boring parts of the book, and probably cut out most content from the book. 

Jenifer Lawrence returns as Katniss Evergreen, a girl who volunteered in the place of her younger sister to compete in the 74th annual hunger games, a competition in which people destroy each other.

I won't bore people that aren't fans of the hunger games, but the basic plot of the film be honest, I don't really understand what the plot of the third film is, having never read any of the books (sorry not sorry). From what I can tell, someone's mad at Katniss for doing something she shouldn't have done, and now they're trying to get her and her loved ones, so she has to protect them. Don't blame me if I'm wrong, which happens more then it should.

Pitch Perfect 2

A sequel to the successful first film, pitch perfect. As far as I know, again the Bellas will be competing against the Treblemakers to win some kind of competition. My personal favourite band, Pentatonix, will be making an appearance, as an opposing rival band to both groups already mentioned. A new character will also be added to the Bellas.

Night In The Museum-Secret Of The Tomb

Ben Stiller once again surpasses his role as Larry in yet another night in the museum. Apparently expect action, thrill, and wildness from this film, or so I read somewhere.

Spongebob Squarepants-Sponge Out Of Water

The second proper movie (as far as I know) in the spongebob series. The thing that will bother me about this film is that It's partly going to be shot in live action, as opposed to animation, it's original format. To be honest, I don't know how they're going to put it into live action, whether they're going to have a guy prancing around in a yellow leotard, and knocking a gap in his front teeth like the "get the London look" girl, or buying a kitchen sponge from ASDA and waving it around the camera like a puppet.

Fifty Shades Of Grey

There is absolutely no way on earth I would go and see this in a cinema if I was old enough, or buy it on DVD or watch it under any conditions, but I thought it deserved a mention :)

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Five Worst Places To Get A Cut

Five worst places to get a cut

Everyone's had a cut before, whether it be from a knife, a fall, or even a paper cut. They can cause pain and discomfort, and can potentially be serious of not treated correctly. These are, in my opinion, the worst places do have a cut.

Bottom of foot

Not only will this injury be very uncomfortable when any pressure is put onto the foot through walking, this injury will probably take longer to heal. If the cut is deep, as the scab, that could form, depending on the nature of your cut, might be damaged through constant pressure being put on the area. This could be a good thing, however, as if the area begins to bleed, the pressure put on the foot will help to stop bleeding, and will aid in a scab being remade.

Under armpit

Again, this injury will probably take longer to heal then most, as the constant friction put apon the cut through movement of the arm will cause any scab to rub off. Unlike the bottom of the foot, there should be hardly any pressure put on this cut, therefore, there will no aid to stop bleeding. There is also a high possibility of a rash forming, from the fiction around.

Inside of mouth

The severity of this area really depends on the size, and depth of the cut. Many people do have small cuts, spots, and ulcers in their mouth, which serve as too much of a concern in daily life. Some mouth cuts, however, are a lot more severe. A large cut across one side of the mouth can effect many factors of daily life, for example, it can obstruct talking, and in some cases, breathing. It would also be difficult to eat, especially sour things.

Anywhere on the face

 Cuts on the face are normally quite a big deal, as there are many tiny, delicate blood vessels on the face, so to stop scarring from a cut, stitches, or survival glue is often needed to be used. Many cuts on the face are caused by the head being hit on or by something, so other complications, such as concussion or brain damage can also come along with the injury.


Deep cuts to the neck almost always result in death if the injury is not treated immediately by a Doctor. This is because there are many veins, and muscles in the neck that are vital for survival, many of the veins leading directly to the heart. If one of these veins was to be cut, you would most likely die within 10 minutes.

So, there is my top five worst places to get a cut! I recommend that you try not to get cut in any of these places :)


Monday, 18 August 2014

Avril Lavigne- Ka-Ka-Ka-Whyyyy!?

Avril Lavigne- Ka-ka-ka-Whyyyy!?

As some of you may know, recently, "punk-rock" singer Avril Lavigne has released a new song, "Hello Kitty" . This video shows Avril, in Japan singing about fat kids on Smarties, and "Kawaii".
Click here to watch Avril Lavigne-Hello Kitty

With a current 47,947,480 views, as of today, this video has definitely had it's fair share of clicks, and is Avril's tenth most viewed video on her vevo. My question is, why?

With some respect to Avril, this (I hope) could just be a funny phase, and soon, she will be back to her normal self, rather than dancing in a cupcake tutu.

Whilst on the subject, I feel that her outfit in the vid needs to be ad-dressed (see what I did there). The whole design of it generally looks as if it had been puked on by a unicorn, with the baby pink body colour, and random confectionery foods scattered around it. A lot of people think it is childish, however, I definitely would not like my child to roam around in a dress so short, in fact, I bet the dancers in background got a great view, which serves as an explanation for their constant poker faces throughout the video.
Avril Lavigne-Hello Kitty

Next of all, the lyrics. "Minna siako arigato, ka ka ka kawaii" a reoccurring phrase throughout the song is roughly translated to "thanks, you're the best and cute" is a phrase used by some J-pop singers to thank their audiences after a show. Whether Avril was literally thanking us, saying we're the best, and calling us cute or trying to act J-pop was a mystery, however, my money's on J-pop considering where the video is set and the theme, Japan. The rest of the lyrics aren't much better, as she mentions "spin the bottle", the infamous childhood game in which one player would spin a bottle, and kiss or hug, or whatever, whoever the top of the bottle landed on. She also mentions rolling around in underwear, pinky swears and text talks, by using the phrase "OMFG".

Generally, the whole song to me, says "please help me, my career is dead, I need attention", and makes me feel as if an emotionally unstable person directed it, with a five year old running costume department, and programmed robots to dance and the background.

Job well done Avril, you've definitely got people talking about you, next time, try and make it a positive thing? :)

Click here for Bart Baker's parody of "Hello Kitty"
Click here for Shane Dawson's parody of "Hello Kitty"


Sunday, 17 August 2014

Annoying Things Girls Do

Annoying things girls do

Note: I am neither claiming nor denying that I do any of these things, and, these are my own thoughts.

. Pretend they're either sick or busy (or both) to avoid doing something with you

Everyone's done it at least once, to avoid the person your friend gave your number to, but I mean the type of people who give a feeble cough down the phone when pretending to be sick, or who say "I'm doing family stuff" when their Dad is putting up an Ikea table and Mum's doing a Jessie Wallace work out video.

. Be FAR too fussy with their food

To be honest with you, it isn't just girls that are like this, however with my experience, it has only been. 
The Sort of people that say they like ketchup, but don't like tomatoes are the reason why aliens won't talk to us.
People who HAVE to have everything they eat plain also drive me up the wall in the car that they don't own, with the driver's licence they don't own.

. Don't act sympathetic when you need them to be, and then expect you to be grieving for them when you're upset

I hate it when you literally pour your heart out to someone, and they say "what?" at the end. Also when you're texting, and they reply with "K".

Overreact about everything

Just because I accidentally broke your nail, doesn't mean you need to have a temper tantrum, and deliver a 3 hour long ultimatum to me.

Claim on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook ext... that they are a "Photographer"

When in actual fact they are running around with their IPhones and Androids snapping a picture at any opportunity. I do not need to see the tree in your back garden, or a stone you found on the pavement, as attractive as it may be.

Act like they should be on "benefit street" when they are actually swimming in cash

Daddy getting you the "wrong colour" Ferrari doesn't mean you need 300 pounds in compensation.

Talking in an Forgien accent too much

The odd phrase spoken in an accent is ok, but if you speak in it so much people could mistake you as foreign, you need to know the limit.

So, there's a handful of Annoying things girls do! Again, these are just my thoughts, however, if you do have a complaint, please visit


Saturday, 16 August 2014

Why Blog?

Why Blog?

Blogging is used worldwide, on endless different web hosts, some of the most popular being WordPress, Webeden Blogapot, and of course Google's very own server, Blogger. A new blog is made every half a second, but why is this so popular?

A lot of people, including me, might blog, because they have something to get off their chests, something they want to say but they can't find anywhere else to share it. Blogging is sort of a last resort if you're too rubbish to write for a paper, or you're too ugly to show your face on YouTube to Vlog.

Many blogs are used to show you how to do something, using instructions, pictures, and tips, for people who can't do things properly. Blogs like this can show you any thing, from how to do a French plait, to how to write a letter.

Some of the most popular topics of blogs include beauty and cosmetics, video games, an  personal, which, personally (see what I did there) don't really appeal to me, however they do get a lot of recognition, and popularity.
