A Few Things We Need To Clear Up
In light of recent news, I thought I'd take the responsibility to clear just a few things up, that have been on my mind recently.
So, I'm not sure whether you've heard of this, but there's this thing called the LGBT+ community*. It's where the sky is full of rainbows, Lady Gaga is played on repeat, and cupcakes and flowers are handed out free. Right now, there's been quite a lot of buzz around LGBT issues.
The first thing I'd like to say, is a huge congratulations to Ireland for legalizing equal marriage! I mean, it's taken you some time, but better late than never, right? Whilst this is a big step, there's still such a long way to go, until full equality.
Caitlyn Jenner formally known as Bruce Jenner, recently debuted on the cover of "Vanity Fair"
How gorgeous is she?
I personally believe it takes A LOT of courage to come out as trans, when you're in the public eye so much. Of course, it's equally as brave to come out if you're just the shop assistant, or the bartender down the road, however, imagine having every single detail of your life documented. Everyone wondering when the next time you're going to go to the shops will be, or wear a new jacket.
Compare coming out to buying a new jacket.
How much more significant is coming out?
Caitlyn was perceived mostly well by the world, myself included, obviously, however unfortunately, not all were as positive
It's like someone saying "oh, you used to have a cat, but now you have a dog, I'm still going to say you have a cat"
Drake, come on. You work mainly for kids TV, and you are a role model for many, many people. If you really have to think that way, which, you really shouldn't, since we're in the 21st century, keep those thoughts to yourself.
If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
Snoop Dogg also spoke up about the issue, calling Caitlyn a "Science experiment" Sigh.. I won't even bother trying to argue with someone of so fewer brain cells, let alone the capacity to show some understanding, and sympathy to someone who's clearly been through so much, in order to be the woman she is today.
If you want to know more about transition, I'd recommend Kellie Maloney's documentary "No Going Back" it really highlights the struggles physically and emotionally, that a transgender person has to go through.
My last topic of discussion is a soon to be released video game, called "kill the f****ts".
I honestly find it disgusting, that someone would develop a game, in which the aim of the game is to kill LGBT people.
Would it be ok to make a game to kill black people? To kill women?
100% no.
These sick game developers enlisted in many voice actors and actresses, unbeknownst to them the content and nature of the game, one of which was Lori Beth Denberg, 90's "All That" actress who, to be honest, is scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for work these days.
After discovering what the game was about, she immediately cut all ties with the developers, denying any fore knowledge of the game's nature or content.
These have just been a few things I've wanted to discuss, as I feel the LGBT community is sort of put into the shadows a bit, over other issues. LBGT is everywhere, and the more people that talk about it, the more people know!
*Complete and utter sarcasm. Anyone who has working ears has heard of the LGBT+ community, no?