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Monday, 5 October 2015

Loreen Releases New Music Video For "I'm In It With You"

And fans aren't so impressed..

After winning the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 with the hit "Euphoria" Loreen Talhaoui has released many other dance and contemporary songs, including "My Heart Is Refusing Me" "We Got The Power" "Heal" and "Paperlight".

On 14th August, she released "I'm in it with you, along with the official artwork:

I mean, it's a good song and everything, but it's nothing to rant and rave about. Clearly, Loreen will never get anything as good as "Euphoria", but "My heart is refusing me" and  "We Got The Power" were of very high quality, and both have something in common.

They both have music videos.

In both of these videos, Loreen hits the nail on the head in terms of what the song should make you feel, and that's one of the fundamental details when making a music video.

"I'm in it with you" tries to do this, but just takes Loreen in the wrong direction artistically. The idea of the video was good, but it just...didn't work.

Loreen seems to be trying to take her music away from Eurovision, almost trying to "'re-invent" herself as an artist, but this video was a hit and a miss. There was a bit of a negative vibe to the whole video, with the swearing and girl hit by a car scene at the end, and the video could have been ten times better without it.

These are my opinions, but what about yours?

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Best Of Celebrity Big Brother - A double Eviction, And The Downfall Of JARRAH (Week 3 And More) #CBBBLOGS #4

Best Of Celebrity Big Brother - A Double Eviction, And The Downfall Of JARRAH (Week 3 And More) #CBBBLOGS #4

By week 3, the housemates really do start to show their true colours. Well, nearly all of them. 

As we know, this week, instead of a normal eviction Jenna and Farrah were voted to stay in a luxury suite this week, and spy on all the other housemates. Little did they know, the entire house was also let in on the secret, and the aim for them was to b*tch about Farrah and Jenna, in order to get nominated, which meant they were immune. 

Jenna Jameson and Farrah Abraham being told they've not been evicted.


Putting those two in a room together was like watching "Mean Girls" on repeat 24/7. There was to no end to the mean comments, especially from Farrah. 

Jenna, on the other hand, I can not work out. She says she has a game plan, which to be fair, a lot of housemates do this series. I feel like Jenna is a bit scared of Farrah, and sides with her a lot to get in her good books. It's strange, because she will begin a discussion, or disagreement with someone, and Farrah will then turn it into an argument. She will then be seen chatting with whoever Farrah argued with, before then talking to Farrah again. 

Jenna Jameson, playing with her chin(s)

I will say I felt a bit uncomfortable when Jenna and Farrah re-entered the house, believing they were royalty, before gradually coming to the realization that the joke was on them. As normal, Farrah didn't let it phase her, as she spewed more stupid and annoying comments. On the other hand, Jenna looked visibly upset, unsure of what the housemates said about them were fake, or real. 

In the end, Stevi and CJ, Gail, Fatman Scoop and Janice faced eviction.

Now, as Jenna and Farrah missed out on the "talent" show the other housemates had, they were able to do their own. 

Oh dear.

Jenna chose to read some "erotic" stories that she wrote, including some of the housemates, surprisingly not Stevi and CJ. Farrah put a condom on a banana. 


Because that is clearly a big talent.

Now, I don't really want to talk about the grand finale they did together, but let's just say Big Brother's going to need to restock the chocolate sauce supply in the house. 

A real double eviction occurred soon after Jenna and Farrah's arrival, which saw Fatman Scoop and Gail leave the house. I was very surprised at Scoop's eviction, as he was a great housemate. I feel like it must have been to do with who else was up, considering Janice has a big following outside of the house, and away from big brother, and I don't know who or What's keeping Stevi and CJ in. Had it of been someone like Jenna, or Sherrie facing eviction, they just don't have the amount of fans outside the house, and would have gone.

The house is going to fall apart without Gail, considering she was pretty much the housemaid. The remaining housemates actually had to call a meeting to discuss how they were going to clean without Gail there, which shows how much they took her for granted.
Gail Porter and Fatman Scoop leaving the Celebrity Big Brother House.

Overall, I think we lost two great housemates, and They can both hold their heads high, knowing that they didn't b*tch a single word about Jenna and Farrah.

Our next eviction was a twist, with the four housemates with the most votes being able to choose one of the remaining house mates to stay. Understandably, Natasha chose Sherrie James, for some strange reason, James chose Janice, Stevi and CJ chose Bobby, with Austin being left with the difficult decision to evict either Farrah or Jenna. He chose to evict Farrah, which mean the end of Jarrah, and the beginning of an alliance between Austin and Jenna.

The next week is the final week *cries* and our winner is crowned. As Big Bother would say, who wins, you decide.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Best Of Celebrity Big Brother - Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake, FAKE (Week 2 and More) #CBBBLOG #3

Best of Celebrity Big Brother - Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake, FAKE (Week 2 and More) #CBBBLOG #3

A lot of my opinions on housemates have changed this week, and it's really annoying! 

Despite this, I think I'll take time at first to just talk about some of the housemates I haven't really mentioned yet.

From left to right: Fatman Scoop (rapper), James Hill (entrepreneur and reality star), Sherrie Hewson (actress and presenter), Gail Porter (entertainer and presenter)

Gail has been a gentle break to the b*tching and arguing, either because she's crying about it, or cleaning. There's no way that Gail is strong enough to be in this house. The whole idea of it is conflict! A true highlight of the series, however, was when Austin shaved his head for Gail. That was truly a sign of respect, that CAN NOT be faked, and was beautiful.

James is probably one of my least favourite housemates, because he just constantly plays the victim. Yes, we all know Farrah's absolutely vile, therefore, when in argument with her, the best thing to do is to just walk away. Instead, he just continually provokes, and carries on the argument, which is normally over nothing. The best arguments are between her and Bobby. When giving those nominations, he did not hold back, calling her "the ugliest person he's ever seen" (personality wise). Way to go Bobby!

Fat man Scoop has been a bit marmite for me, sometimes I love him, sometimes I hate him. I think he's very funny, especially with his GO JANICE, GO FARRAH, GO BOBBY ext...Despite this, he can be incredibly annoying, thinking he's always right, giving unwanted opinions and advice. STOP TALKING OVER PEOPLE! 

Now, it may surprise you to learn that this housemate is actually still in the house. It's Sherrie! All the housemates seem to really like her; the thing is we, as an audience, don't seem to be seeing any of her. I mean, come on channel 5, as much as we love 5 shots of Jenna's behind a night (erm..) we would like to see a bit of sunshine here and there. In live stream, Sherrie seems to have people in fits of laughter, and we want to see!

So, instead of a proper eviction, this week, channel 5 decided to turn the eviction into a fake fake double eviction, meaning that 2 housemates would be fake evicted and put into a secret room, however, the joke's on them. All the other housemates will be informed of this. The two housemates that were fake fake evicted were Jenna and Farrah (surprise surprise).

Left to right: Farrah Abraham (reality star), Jenna Jameson (porn star). Images custody of

What those who voted should have done, was voted Farrah and Bobby into the secret room, for two reasons:

1) To watch Bobby Davro mentally break down being locked in a room with Farrah for 2 WHOLE DAYS.

2) So that Farrah can see how two-faced her so called "good friend is.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Best Of Celebrity Big Brother - A House At War (Week 1And More) #CBBBLOG #2

Best Of Celebrity Big Brother - A House At War (Week 1 And More) #CBBBLOG #2

So, we've had two new housemates, one eviction, but many, many arguments!

It's only fair we chat about our two new arrivals, Bobby and Janice.

Janice Dickinson and Bobby Davro entering the house.
The two went into the house a day after the other housemates, and represented their nation in a battle, to be given the title of either President or Prime Minister of the house.

Bobby seemed to think he was battling to be PM of the UK, taking the game way too seriously, in my opinion. He won the task, and therefore won the title.

Onto Janice Dickinson. She definitely is a strong character, picking fights with everyone she sees. To me, she seems very full of herself, and uses her age to get what she wants. "Gail, could you unpack my bag?" "Gail could you make my bed, I have arthritis". As you can see, this is an opposite to the civilian series, in which Eileen protested at people nominating her because of her age.

From the industry Janice works in, she is used to getting what she wants when she wants, which is what most arguments seem to be based on. For example, there was an argument between Austin and Janice over the bath. Janice wanted a bath on her own, before 8 people wanted to use it together. In the real world, Janice could probably snap her fingers and a bath would appear before her eyes, but now she's in big brother she needs to think about others, and be more considerate. As well as that, she really needs to watch her tongue, considering she received a formal, and last warning for making a spitting action towards Austin.

This week's shopping task saw the Brits turn into the royal family (metaphorically that was, although Cherrie and Bobby seemed to think they were something special). The Americans were servants, which I feel is very unfair, considering the Americans have had no treats of privileges since they've arrived, however, all was not as it seems. The real task, was for the Americans to disgrace the royal family.

One of the tasks was for the Americans to come up with brutal questions to ask Natasha and James, disguised as questions from the public. The questions were great, however the real thrill came after the questions, where the two were left in the task room afterwards. Jenna and Janice were sent earlier by Bobby to the tower, where they watched the entire interview. They also got to hear what Natasha and James both thought of them, as well as Stevi and Chloe-Jasmine, in which James called them "pathetic". 

Another task was for Paul Burrell, special guest for the task, to choose two servants (Austin and Farrah) to pick 4 members of the royal family (Gail, Natasha, James and Chloe-Jasmine). Those 6 would then have a tea party, with the servants' tasked to anger the royals as much as possible. Farrah most definitely went in for it, perhaps too much, pursuing many homophobic comments, and insults. This resulted in Farrah receiving a formal warning for her behaviour.

Daniel became our first evictee, over Janice, Farrah, Chris, Jenna, Stevi and Chloe-Jasmine. I cheated, and predicted 3 housemate, instead of 1, but he was one of my predictions. He just didn't really bring anything to the house, and that beard did nothing for him either..

Daniel Baldin is the first celebrity to be evicted. Photo courtesy of
Next, let's GET JANICE out! 

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Best Of Celebrity Big Brother - What a night! (Launch night and MORE) #CBBBlog #1

I'm exhausted already. After just 2 nights, we have had SO much drama! 

First of all, I'll chat about some of the stand out characters in the house so far, because ain't nobody got time fo' every single one of them. 

Clockwise from top-left: Natasha Hamilton (Ex-Atomic Kitten), Tila Tequila (Reality and Internet star), Austin Armacost (Reality star and model) Farrah Abraham (Reality star), Chloe-Jasmine and Stevi Ritchie (Reality stars), Jenna Jameson (Porn star). Images courtesy of
Austin Armacost:

Who are ya, who are ya, who are ya? Let's be honest, he doesn't really have much credit to his name, other than being Marc Jacob's ex. He seems to be a bit of a snake in my opinion, chatting to Natasha about Farrah behind her back, as well as running his mouth to Big Brother. He's very noisy as well, and I'm not really liking him a lot at the moment.

Jenna Jameson - Life behind the scenes:

Won't lie, she is one of my favourites early on (stop it). I think she has a very strange lifestyle, especially with her job-sex life conundrum, which she had begun to explain to James in last night's episode, and could be an interesting character. She is there to break the "porn star stereotype", however, I think she is going to BLOW UP soon.

Chloe-Jasmine and Stevi Ritchie - Double trouble:

"Who are they?" Was probably, again, what almost everyone was saying to their screens when these two waltzed on, looking just a tad patriotic in their matching Union Jack suit and dress. Both ex-X Factor conestants, Chloe-Jasmine and Stevi Ritchie have since began a "relationship", but I'm not convinced. If you watched X factor, you'd never in a million years even consider these two to couple up. "Posh Chloe-Jasmine with goofy Stevi Ritchie!?". I think these two could be entertaining, just being together, whether or not they're arguing, or just sat on the leather recliners, sipping tea.

Farrah Abraham VS Natasha Hamilton - Round 1 

Just two hours into the show, it kicked between Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham, and ex-Atomic Kitten Natasha Hamilton. Farrah proved competition to Stevi and CJ (not a bad nickname?) as she walked out in a stars and stripes dress, to rival the patriotism shown. Now, I haven't yet figured Farrah out. Clearly, she has a bad attitude problem, but she hasn't fully blown yet. I dare say that will come soon...Onto Natasha now, who appeared to have dressed in the dark, with those oversized blue trousers. Now, she is a snake if I ever saw one. She just can not stop! Was it really fair to immediately banish Farrah to the tower for "being a sore loser"? That was a very quick assumption to make. Clearly, Natasha is a knife twister, and is not to be trusted. 

Farrah 1 - 0 Natasha

Tila Tequila - One too many

It was yesterday confirmed that Tila Tequila has been removed from the house. It has not fully been confirmed whether it was because of something she said whilst in the house, or because of her "support for Hitler" outside of the house, although a spokesman for Channel 5 has said "Unfortunatly, Channel 5 and Edemol did not know about the views and attitudes Tila has expressed on social media postings prior to her involvement in Celebrity Big Brother". It then carries on to say that Tila was called to the diary room for a discussion with producers, where she refused to be corrected in her views. She was then removed.
Honestly, it fails to convince me that absolutely none of the casting directors, producers, managers ext... thought to look up Tila. The evidence is not hard to find! 

Behind the grey, a Swastika armband, Nazi hat, and Auschwitz background can be seen. Tila described Hitler as a "good man" and "hero to his country"

This, to me, just seems to be a more severe repeat or Danny's Twitter controversy, in which insults towards overweight and gay people were used.

Well, I'm very excited for the rest of CBB, and just hope the weeks to come are as exciting!  

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

HUGE Jellyfish found at Harbour

HUGE Jellyfish found at Harbour

Recently, I took a holiday to Devon (yes it was nice, thank you for asking).

We decided to go crab fishing, on a Jetty, coming out from a harbour, just a typical thing you do on a British holiday, expecting nothing more than some mucky crabs, maybe a few prawns, if we were feeling lucky.

After I'd caught nothing (I lost my hook, ok?) and picked a few of the hundred-odd crabs the people next to us had caught, utter mick-take, I wandered down to the sand bit, where boats sat out of the water (yeah, I don't know what it's called), and there it was, partially underneath a boat.

One witness said: "I've lived in Teignmouth my entire life. I've seen hundreds of Jellyfish swim through this lake many, many times. Never have I seen one even half the size of this. I'm amazed"

Well, I am too. 

Now, let's put this into perspective for you. Here's my size 6 foot next to it.

We also have to remember that part of the Jellyfish is covered by the boat, so there's probably a tad more to it.

The Jellyfish was spotted at Quayside Harbour in Devon.

Monday, 22 June 2015

B*tch I'm MAD-onna Review

B*tch I'm MAD-onna

Recently, Madonna dropped the music video for her new song, "B*tch I'm Madonna". To describe it in one word, I'd have to go with catastrophe. Complete and utter catastrophe. Catastrophe with a capital C.


Take a look for yourself:

Come on Madonna. I thought you were better than that.

Let's start off with the meaning behind the song. As you can see, Madonna is shown wearing a leopard print dress throughout the video, along with pink dip dyed hair. As well as this, she also appears to be singing at a slightly higher register than she normally would. She's trying to tell us, that although she is old, (56, although she looks 20) she's still young at heart.

But, to be frank, there's surely about a million better ways of showing this.

At the beginning of the video, I thought the local ballet club had hijacked the video, as all that's seen is 4 little girls, and an incredibly fast set of guitar chords, however the camera then pans, and we see Madonna, exercising (?)

Can we please discuss the 2 girls in a bath, dancing like robots to a dubstep breakdown, with duct tape on their nipples? I don't think that can scream "attention seeking" any louder, do you?

Now, in the middle of the video, Madonna, being as unpredictable as she is, sprung some guest appearances on us, such as Miley Cyrus, Queen Beyonce, Rita Ora, and Katie Perry, as well as a rap by Nicki Minaj, which we all knew was coming, considering the song is "B*tch I'm Madonna FT Nicki Minaj"

Anyway, Nicki, perfected the rap, bringing back her iconic pink hair too.

I had to look down, and make sure my zip hadn't broken at the end of the song, as it seems as if they've used one as an instrument for the last verse, pointless, I know.

Overall, before this video, I actually had some respect for Madonna as an artist, but unfortunately she's gone down the route of attention seeking, rather than actually putting out good quality music/videos.

I see this as very weak competition to Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood" video, which also features many special appearances

Which do you prefer?


Thursday, 11 June 2015

Annoying Things Boys Do

Annoying Things Boys Do

Yeah, yeah, before you accuse me of being sexist, I've already posted "Annoying things girls do".

If you want to check it out, here's the link

Have ridiculous haircuts

Yeah, ok, maybe you have your "own style" but these are NOT ok:

Have a "cheeky Nandos with the lads"

No one actually cares that you're having anything to eat, regardless whether it's "cheeky" or not, especially if your Mum dropped you off and gave you a tenner to spend..

Have a tiny patch of hair underneath their bottom lip

This is not worthy of being called a beard, and has absolutely no aesthetic appeal whatsoever. 

So why have it?

Plus, it would just getting away, if you were to be kissed, which is unlikely if you've got that harvesting on your face...

This tosser's got a double whammy, modelling it perfectly:

Calling someone else "gay" for being a respectable, nice bloke

To be honest, it's just a compliment to the gays, saying they're also nice, respectable people, but seriously, stop using "gay" to describe anything you perceive as being negative.

Pretend it's longer than it is

Around 76% of people say their trouser snake is longer than it really is. What wonders me is how they conducted this experiment.

But anyway, who actually cares? And anyway, I'm pretty sure you're lying when you say you've got a ten incher..

Sticking your hands down your trousers

Yes, I understand that sometimes it gets itself into awkward positions, but just wait until you're alone somewhere, or at least with people that don't mind it before you get stuck in.

Swearing A LOT

Now, this could be applied to all genders, but I see it mainly in males.

Surely you can string a sentence together without that sort of language?

If not, I suggest you get back to primary school, and start learning how to speak properly.

That's all that comes to mind right now, but I'm sure it won't be hard for me to think of more..

Monday, 8 June 2015

A Few Things We Need To Clear Up

A Few Things We Need To Clear Up

In light of recent news, I thought I'd take the responsibility to clear just a few things up, that have been on my mind recently.

So, I'm not sure whether you've heard of this, but there's this thing called the LGBT+ community*. It's where the sky is full of rainbows, Lady Gaga is played on repeat, and cupcakes and flowers are handed out free. Right now, there's been quite a lot of buzz around LGBT issues.

The first thing I'd like to say, is a huge congratulations to Ireland for legalizing equal marriage! I mean, it's taken you some time, but better late than never, right? Whilst this is a big step, there's still such a long way to go, until full equality.

Caitlyn Jenner formally known as Bruce Jenner, recently debuted on the cover of "Vanity Fair"

How gorgeous is she?

I personally believe it takes A LOT of courage to come out as trans, when you're in the public eye so much. Of course, it's equally as brave to come out if you're just the shop assistant, or the bartender down the road, however, imagine having every single detail of your life documented. Everyone wondering when the next time you're going to go to the shops will be,  or wear a new jacket.

Compare coming out to buying a new jacket.

How much more significant is coming out?

Caitlyn was perceived mostly well by the world, myself included, obviously, however unfortunately, not all were as positive

It's like someone saying "oh, you used to have a cat, but now you have a dog, I'm still going to say you have a cat"

Drake, come on. You work mainly for kids TV, and you are a role model for many, many people. If you really have to think that way, which, you really shouldn't, since we're in the 21st century, keep those thoughts to yourself.

If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

Snoop Dogg also spoke up about the issue, calling Caitlyn a "Science experiment" Sigh.. I won't even bother trying to argue with someone of so fewer brain cells, let alone the capacity to show some understanding, and sympathy to someone who's clearly been through so much, in order to be the woman she is today.

If you want to know more about transition, I'd recommend Kellie Maloney's documentary "No Going Back" it really highlights the struggles physically and emotionally, that a transgender person has to go through.

My last topic of discussion is a soon to be released video game, called "kill the f****ts".

I honestly find it disgusting, that someone would develop a game, in which the aim of the game is to kill LGBT people.

Would it be ok to make a game to kill black people? To kill women?

100% no.

These sick game developers enlisted in many voice actors and actresses, unbeknownst to them the content and nature of the game, one of which was Lori Beth Denberg, 90's "All That" actress who, to be honest, is scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for work these days.

After discovering what the game was about, she immediately cut all ties with the developers, denying any fore knowledge of the game's nature or content.

These have just been a few things I've wanted to discuss, as I feel the LGBT community is sort of put into the shadows a bit, over other issues. LBGT is everywhere, and the more people that talk about it, the more people know!

*Complete and utter sarcasm. Anyone who has working ears has heard of the LGBT+ community, no?

Friday, 29 May 2015


The WORST TWIST EVER - Big brother

What on earth just happened? What have they sunk to? Who do they think they are? Who is she? Who am I?

The biggest twist in Big Brother history has just gone down....hill. 

First off, I think it is an absolute disgrace that Simon, AKA, showbiz, has been put back into the show, after he was evicted, fair and square. Adjoa 100% deserves that place more than him, but all she gets is a few poxy appearances on bit on the side. Disgraceful.

Toss off please.

As for the PROPER newbies, they aren't really going to give much, are they? Other than a massive pair of boobs, and some ego?

We have enough with Jade!

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Eurovision - What A Final!

Eurovision - What A Final!

Unfortunately, Saturday marked the final of Eurovision, meaning no more for a year. Obviously, being me, I have some quite strong opinions on the final, so here we go!

First all, I have to ask the question, Austria, what we're you playing at? The hosting of the entire thing was absolutely awful! The questions the acts were asked were abysmal, the "jokes" made were about as funny as suicide, and whenever the voting went wrong, which it did 3 TIMES, the two of them stood there for a few seconds, staring into the camera lens.....lost.

Ad lib, apologise, do SOMETHING to waste time whilst you call the next country!

I reckon I could have done a better job than the 3 of them combined...

Now, onto the performances. Nadav of Israel sang a song called "Golden Boy". The beginning of the song I found was very boring, and just too slow, compared to the rest of the song which was very upbeat and lively, once the chorus kicked in.

Now, I don't know who choreographed this performance, but whoever it was needs a kick up the backside. The dance, if you could call it that, was pathetic. Overall, I give Israel a 7/10.

Do I dare talk about the UK? Oh go on then, however, I warn you now, if you enjoyed the UK's entry, I advise you to skip this part.

I'll begin with the song in general. I've said in a previous post of my general dislike of the cringeworthy lyrics, and AWFUL scat singing, but the live performance was even worse, if that's possible. Alex was horrifically out of tune, leaving Bianca to try to pick up the pieces. Unfortunately, she failed.

Obviously, being the UK, we tried to incorporate some kind of gimmick, to get noticed. We lit up the clothes.

We lit up the clothes.

The clothes lit up.


This performance can be added to the long list of why the rest of the world hates us. 2/10, the points being pity points.

Now, onto Australia's preformance. The newcomers to Eurovision mustered a respectable 5th place overall, although, over other performances, I don't believe they deserved it. It sounded a lot like "Golden Boy" and just had nothing to it, which made it dull. 3/10

Russia's performance of "A Million Voices" was sung beautifully by Polina, although she really looked like she'd just left her own wedding quickly to sing. At the end of her performance, she burst into tears, probably scared to death that if she didn't win, she'd be shot by Putin. 6/10

We're here for you, Polina.

Russia came second, taking the lead during the first half of voting, to the fear of most Eurovision fans, considering the scene if the world's Gayest competition came to the world's most homophobic country.

May I also mention the tolerance of queen Conchita, who sat with Polina in Russia's section throughout the voting.

Who said Eurovision is about politics?* *It is
Il Volo performed for Italy, and achieved third place. Now this song really didn't appeal to me, but I've never been a fan of opera. The staging for me was also VERY boring, and had no aesthetic appeal whatsoever. This song deserved to be on the left hand side of the score board, but definitely not third. 5/10

Here's the scoreboard in full. Sort of.

These are the scores including F.Y.R Macedonia and Montenegro's votes. You see, a few hours after the contest ended, the two countries votes were disqualified, as their results were made up of 100% televotes, instead of 50% televotes, and 50% jury votes. This changes the numbers a bit.

Måns of Sweden easily won, being 65 points ahead of second place. I believe "Heroes" is a well deserved winner as it was beautifully staged, well choreographed, and, in general, a well written, catchy song, still in my head as I write. Currently second in the list of popular songs on my Kindle, it's the 6th win of Sweden, since Loreen's "Euphoria" 9/10.

Now, I will be lost without the Eurovision buzz, and shall now proceed to cry in the corner until next year's.

Friday, 22 May 2015

Eurovision Semi Final 1 and 2 Review

Eurovision Semi Final 1 and 2 Review

Over Tuesday and Thursday, the first and second semi finals of the Eurovision song contest took place. 16 in the first semi final, and 17 in the second took to the stage to try and win a place in the final. Exempt from this were "The big 5" which were Italy, France, Spain, Germany, and the United Kingdom, as the pay the most money towards the contest, and therefore automatically qualify. As well as this, host country Austria, and 60th anniversary guest Austrailia were also qualified. 

My opinions will only be given on those I remember, so basically, if I don't give an opinion of a country, I found it boring..

The first performance of the night was Eduard of Moldovia, who sang something about love (boring). Whilst I found the song quite boring, I will say the staging was BRILLIANT, and was Moldova's answer to My Slowianie from Poland last year. This unfortunately did not qualify.

Loïc of Belguim's performance was quite frankly just weird. The flashing lights proved as a distraction to the awful dancing, however the song was NOT a ballad, but rather a song about being different. Qualifier

Trijntje of the Netherlands performance of "walk along" was again a bit strange, the first camera shot being of the eyes, covered with a mask(?). I do like the song itself, other than the chorus, and I believe it deserved to qualify.

Purtti Kurikan Nimipävät were Finland's attempt at doing a Lordi victory again. Although not so "in your face" their song was a salute to punk music, although failed to qualify. Despite this, the entry is special in two ways: All four of it's members have some sort of learning difficulty, helping to spread awareness. As well as this, it is also Eurovision's shortest entry ever, being only 1:40. 

Russia's Polina had one of Eurovision's most ironic songs, "A Million Voices" considering the amount of freedom and voice certain citizens of Russia have. Rainbow flags were also seen in the crowd in this entry, which I loved. Qualifier

Screw you Putin! 

Bojana's entry for Serbia was a bit of a cheat, in my opinion, considering it was written by the writer of "Rise Like A Phoenix".
I don't think this deserved to qualify, over some of the others, as I just think the presentation of it was a bit boring. The song itself was VERY boring, and there was just nothing interesting happening on stage that I can remember.

My favourite of the night came from Nina of Georgia. She was dressed amazingly, with REAL raven feathers, and the song itself was sung and preformed beautifully. Definitely a deserving qualifier.

How many birds died for that Nina!?

Now onto semi final two, which featured my two favourite entries of the year, Slovenia and Latvia.

The first performance was from Monika and Vaidas of Lithuania, singing about love. I don't even remember the song as I got so bored throughout it. The only thing that perked me up, were the two gay kisses from two male and female dancers that were behind them, proving Eurovision's still got it's touch. Very undeserving finalist in my opinion.

Måns of Sweden by far got the biggest audience reaction of the night, for his song "Heroes" again, some rainbow flags were seen after Måns, back in 2014, said "Gay sex is not natural". The song itself didn't really appeal to me, as I was very distracted by the cartoon, which looks like the very first cartoon ever, "Fantasmorgie" 

I can't be the only one seeing the resemblance!?

Poland's entry was Monika, a disabled women, who sang about, yep, you guessed it, love. I personally would have preferred to have some more butter churned on stage, however, I do think it's good how open Eurovision is to so many different people. From Dana in 1998, Conchita last year, Finland and Poland this year, Eurovision is becoming so much more accepting, and I love it!

Of course I have to talk about my two favourites, Latvia and Slovenia. Obviously Maraaya was flawless with "Here for you" providing a much needed break from the millions of ballads floating around this year. As well as this, the faces the singer (don't know her name) pulls when she sings are priceless. "Love Injected" is so, so different to the other entries this year, as it has a slower tempo, and high vocals. I don't what it is about it, but I absolutely love it!

So, that's my thoughts on the Semi Finals of Eurovision! 

I will be doing a blog about the grand final, on Sunday.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

My Amazon Nightmare

My Amazon Nightmare

"I'm never using Amazon again!" Were the words yelled madly by me not so long ago. Why? Sit down, shut up, as I deliver to you the story of my Amazon nightmare.

Those of you who know me well, will know that I love guitars. I play both the bass and normal. Now, we've had this Spanish guitar for at least 10 years in my family, which was given by my brother to me. I'm not going to lie and say this guitar was perfectly kept, because it wasn't. In fact, it has chips and scratches all over it, so I decided that it was time I splashed out a bit, and bought myself a new guitar.

I wasn't looking for anything too expensive, because ain't nobody got time to spend 500 quid on a guitar, but I still wanted something of good quality, so I eventually decided on a Martin Smith W-100 acoustic guitar. Professional guitarists or posh gits, laugh if you want, but it makes a good enough sound for me, so what's the problem?

So, I went through all the processes needed to purchase something from Amazon, until it finally processed my order.

Or so I thought.

Now, Amazon supposedly sends you a conformation E-mail thanking you for your order, and telling you the estimated arrival times. I never received one of these E-mails, so assumed that maybe they had stopped doing this since the last time I'd ordered something, so patiently waited for my guitar to come.

I received my first E-mail from Amazon, telling me my order was going to be delayed:

Nonetheless, I respected the fact that large companies sometimes need extra time to get themselves together, and sort things out, so I thought "Hey ho, let's get on with it" and waited the extra time.

Despite this, my order still never came.

I received about 3 more of these "unexpected delay" E-mails, and at the third, I decided enough is enough.

I decided to tweet them:

My problem, at that point, wasn't the fact that it was an individual order that had its' heart contempt at not arriving on my door, but the fact that, as I tweeted, every single thing I've ordered has either never arrived, been delayed or the wrong thing sent. As well as this, they were trying to tell me that my order was to be delayed, thinking I didn't already know this.I was being directed to a complaint form, which I filled out, just to satisfy them.

This is the reply E-mail I recieved:

I banged my head on the table after receiving this.

"I'm sorry, I haven't a clue: Volume 15"

Sorry, I haven't a clue what you talking about at this point. I don't even know what you're E-mailing me about this for, and frankly, I don't care. I just wanted my blumin guitar. Was that too much to ask?

After receiving yet ANOTHER delay E-mail, I FINALLY received a conformation E-mail, which said my guitar would come in the next 4 days, and 4 days later it arrived.

Honestly, I've never received such bad service from s company in my life. Yes, McDonald's service beats this. Moral of the story for me, next time, is to just use Ebay.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge

Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge

It is a fact, that Kylie Jenner, half sister to Kourtney, Kim and khloè Kardashian, is mainly known for her voluptuous lips. (Yes, I used the word voluptuous). Now, the internet thought it would take it's turn at recreating "the fish pout", dubbing it as "The Kylie Jenner Challenge"

The aim of the challenge, is for the participant to take either a bottle, cup or shot glass, place it on their lips, and suck in the air inside. This would form a vacuum, forcing the lips into the glass, and making them swell.

I myself have not tried the challenge, nor do I ever intend to, mainly because I actually have a brain. I don't recommend the challenge either.

 Seriously guys, it's super dangerous. I don't normally do serious on this blog, but I've seen pictures of people who's lips have swollen to at least 5 times their normal size, I've seen people with huge red bruises around their lips. I've even seen people in hospital with glass embedded in their lips and face, after the pressure caused whatever they were using to smash.

It saddens me that the internet nowadays has really gone so low as to even start this tag.

If you see this tag going around, please, please, PLEASE don't try it, as you could end up looking a bit like this -

Credit- @Year11Bants on Twitter

Thursday, 26 March 2015

What The Teachers Aren't Taught

What The Teachers Aren't Taught

Now, quite obviously, I respect the fact that teachers, in order to become teachers, have to go through years of training, in order to qualify to be a teacher. Unfortunately, in the 3-4, or however many years your training was, You all seem to fail in one aspect. Dynamics of a class.

By dynamics of a class, I mean our status in the class, sort of a "role" or position we've been indirectly assigned. Some, will be the loudmouths, who could talk for England. Some will be the class clowns. Some will just be quiet, knowing they won't be heard over the rest of the commotion.

Unfortunately, the majority of teachers are far from knowledge of even the existence of this, and will automatically assume that loudness is the norm, and the quiet ones just "aren't trying hard enough".

I can assure you, this isn't the case.

I, myself feel I settle in between these three roles, sometimes breaking a joke when given a chance, sometimes just shooting out my opinions when I've had enough of the kids that just think they know it all, just to show them they're not better then me, and that I do have confidence in myself. 

Every. Single. Time. I. Try. I'm. Overlooked.

The teachers are still marvelling at what someone else said, to hear my opinions, which is why I write them down here, so, at least they're acknowledged by someone.

Here, let me put it into a representation. Here's a volume bar.

As you can see, there's absolutely no way you're going to be able to hear anything from the mice, as the motormouths are just far too overpowering. Solution? Turn down the motormouths. Yeah, just tell them to shut up, and hope for the best. You can't just leave it to the mice to pipe up, even if they get to average, they still won't be heard over the deafening volume. 

Next step, is to help the mice to get their confidence up. They're not instantly going to speak up, and get their opinions out there, they'll need help, and support, which it is YOUR job to supply. Encourage them, pick them when they put their hand up in class, include them in debates and discussions, detach yourself from some of the conversations you might have with the motormouths, and strike up one with a mouse.

I'm not saying ignore the motormouths, so that they can become mice, just give an equal amount of attention to the mice, as you do them.